
  • 上海旅游高等专科学校 学校网站

    上海旅游高等专科学校 www.sitsh.edu.cn


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  • 天津市第一中心医院 医院诊所

    天津市第一中心医院 www.tj-fch.com

    天津市第一中心医院是一所以器官移植、急救医学、耳鼻喉专业学科为特色,融医疗、教学、科研、预防、保健为一体的综合性三级甲等医院,是天津市医学中心之一。   医院拥有1500多张病床,47个临床专业科室,其中5个国家重点临床专科建设项目(器官移植中心、重症医学科、重点实验室、中西医结合科和检验科)、3个市级重点专科(器官移植中心、重症医学科和耳鼻咽喉头颈外科),6个市级研究所(天津市器官移植研究所、天津市急救医学研究所、天津市耳鼻喉研究所、天津市影像医学研究所、天津市血栓与止血研究所、天津市医院系统工程研究所),拥有卫生部危重病急救医学重点实验室和临床医学博士后工作站。医院年门急诊病人200万余人次,年出院病人5万余人次。医院技术力量雄厚,现有卫生技术人员2500余人,其中高级职称450人,享受政府特殊津贴专家34人,博士硕士毕业798人,博士生、硕士生导师87人。   医院承担着天津医科大学、南开大学医学院等六所院校的研究生、本科生、大专生理论授课和临床带教工作,承担天津市住院医师、全科医师规范化培训任务,以及临床医学博士后工作站的教学任务,获得包括国家科技进步奖、天津市科技进步奖及中华医学会科技奖等科研成果150多项。   医院拥有与世界同步领先的先进设备,国内及国际交流合作广泛。医院设有天津市国际诊疗中心,承担着在津外宾、离休干部及高知人群的医疗保障任务。医院先后获得“全国十佳爱婴医院”、“全国百佳医院”、“全国百姓放心示范医院”、“第四届全国医院(卫生)文化建设先进单位”、“天津市卫生行业人民满意的好医院”等多项荣誉称号,2008年被国家指定为北京奥林匹克运动会天津赛区唯一的定点医院。   “生命之托质量为本”,天津市第一中心医院始终坚持这一重要理念为人类健康服务。    Tianjin First Center Hospital(TFCH),one of the medical centers in Tianjin, is a comprehensive hospital in medical treatment, medical teaching, scientific research,disease prevention and health care. This hospital takes Organ Transplant, Emergency Medicine and Otorhinolaryngology as its hallmark and has been categorized as a Tertiary Grade A hospital.    The hospital has more than 1,500 beds and consists of 47 clinical professional departments. Five of them are national key professional departments (including Organ Transplant Center, Critical Care Medicine, Key Laboratory, Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine and Laboratory Department). Three of them are municipal key professional departments (including Organ Transplant Center, Critical Care Medicine and Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery). Six of them are municipal research institutes (including Tianjin Organ Transplant Institute, Tianjin Emergency Medicine Institute, Tianjin Otorhinolaryngology Institute, Tianjin Medical Imaging Institute, Tianjin Thrombosis and Homeostasis Institute and Tianjin Hospital System Engineering Institute). The hospital has a key critical care medicine laboratory, affiliated with the Ministry of Health of China and a clinical medicine post-doctoral workstation. Annually the hospital has more than 2,000,000 outpatients and 50,000 discharged patients. It has a strong technical force of more than 2500 professionals. Among them, 450 people are honored with senior professional title, 34 experts received the special allowance of the State Council, 798 people have their doctoral or masters’ degree, 87 people are supervisors of doctoral or master’s degree students.    Tianjin First Center Hospital undertakes the theoretical and clinical teaching of postgraduate, undergraduate and vocational students from Tianjin Medical University, Medical College of Nankai University, Tianjin University of TCM, Medical College of CAPF and Tianjin Medical College. The hospital also undertakes standardization training of residents and general practitioners in Tianjin and medical teaching of clinical medicine post-doctoral workstation. Obtained more than 150 awards which including the National Science and Technology Progress Award, Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Progress Award and the Chinese Medical Science and Technology Awards etc.    The hospital, as Tianjin International Medical Center, undertakes health care tasks to foreign guests, retired cadres and high-level intellectuals in Tianjin with a beautiful environment and excellent service. It was defined as the only designated hospital for the Beijing Olympic Games in Tianjin in 2008. By now, it has won several honorary titles such as \"National Top Ten Baby-Friendly Hospitals\", \"National Best 100 Hospitals\", \"National Model Hospital for Patients\", “the Fourth National Health Culture Construction Advanced Unit” and “Tianjin People-Satisfied-Hospital” etc.   “Life-entrusted, quality-oriented” Tianjin First Center Hospital always adhere to this important concept in human health service.

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  • 天津市胸科医院 医院诊所

    天津市胸科医院 www.chesthospital.com

    天津市胸科医院成立于1947年,是一所以治疗心、肺疾病,集医、教、研、防为一体的现代化的三级甲等专科医院,南开大学、天津大学附属胸科医院,天津医科大学临床学院。2014年1月15日,天津市津南区台儿庄南路261号新址启用,建筑面积12.1万平方米,设病床993张。绿色、环保、节能、人性化是医院建筑设计的理念,方便、快捷、安全、温馨是医院对患者的服务理念。2018年2月份国家发改委和国家卫健委已将天津市胸科医院列入疑难病症诊治能力提升工程项目储备库,医院原址提升工程将于2019年下半年开工。目前,该项目的项目建议书市发改委已经批复,项目选址于和平区西安道70号医院原址,规划床位400张,新建医疗综合楼及附属用房,总建筑面积58000平方米,概算总投资5.7亿元。   天津市胸科医院设有主要临床技术科室30余个,是国家卫生计生委授权的“心血管介入诊疗技术(冠心病介入)培训基地”,“心血管介入诊疗技术(先心病介入)培训基地”,“心血管介入治疗技术(心律失常介入)培训基地”。医院设有天津市心血管病研究所。   技术力量雄厚,专科特色突出,医疗设备先进。心脏介入和心脏电生理治疗病例数量和心脏外科手术量均居全国前列;肺癌和胸部手术等手术量居天津市前列,建有杂交手术室。设置先进的呼吸重症病房,呼吸内科病床数居全国前列。大型医疗设备有双源CT、16排CT、256排CT、大型血管造影机和高端麻醉机各近十台,数十台呼吸机,数百台各种监护设备,检验自动流水线,单光子发射型计算机断层仪(ECT)、高能双光子医用直线加速器(LA)充实了医院诊断和治疗手段。   医院现有职工1503人,其中专业技术人员1446人;博士后4人,博士57人(含博士后),硕士303人,博硕士导师30人,其中博导7人;“131”各层次人才13人,创新型人才团队3个,享受国务院津贴专家5人,全国卫生系统先进工作者2人,授衔专家1人,天津市突出贡献专家3人。天津市首批卫生计生行业高层次人才选拔培养工程海河医学学者1人,津门医学英才1人,青年医学新锐5人。现为全国博士后科研工作站及天津市博士后创新实践基地。   医院为国家卫生计生委授权的“心血管介入诊疗技术(冠心病介入)培训基地”,“心血管介入诊疗技术(先心病介入)培训基地”,“心血管介入治疗技术(心律失常介入)培训基地”。医院设有天津市心血管病研究所。国家临床重点专科1个(胸外科),天津市重点学(专)科3个(心血管外科、呼吸与危重症医学科、胸外科)。天津市心血管疾病防治办公室、天津市临床检验质量控制中心挂靠单位,天津市心内科质量控制中心挂靠单位。   注重国际合作与知识共享,与美国德州医学中心休斯顿健康中心保持良好协作关系,与荷兰格罗宁根大学医学院达成教育、科研领域合作意向,同时医院还保持与台湾地区、德国、澳大利亚、新加坡相关机构联系,实现多元交流,不断沟通,保持和世界先进水平的接轨。   胸痛中心建设和心血管疾病防治工作分别成为天津市2016年度和2017年度天津市人民政府20项民心工程项目内容。2017年1月,在国家卫计委医政医管局、健康报社主办的2016年度“进一步改善医疗卫生服务行动”典型经验推广会上,医院“胸痛中心”诊疗模式成为全国年度改善医疗服务“十大亮点”之一;并获得全国改善服务示范医院、优秀管理者奖项。   地址:天津市津南区台儿庄南路261号   网址:www.chesthospital.com Overview Tianjin Chest Hospital, founded in 1947, is the only three level of first-class hospital features the prevention of cardiac and thoracic disease in Tianjin. Tianjin chest hospital contains 993 inpatient beds, and 30 clinical medico-technical departments, as cardiovascular medicine department, Thoracic surgery department, ICU, CCU, RICU. The hospital subordinates the Tianjin Cardiovascular Radiation Intervention Base, Tianjin Cardiovascular Disease Laboratory, Molecular Heart Disease Center, CCU Quality Control Center, Tianjin Cardiovascular Intervention Quality Control Center. Tianjin Chest Hospital is the base of cardiovascular Intervention diagnosis and treatment technology (coronary heart disease and arrhythmia Intervention) of the Ministry of Health. Characteristic Specialty and Technology Cardiovascular Medicine Department The cardiovascular department is the earliest founded cardiac medicine specialty of Tianjin in 1963. Currently, the department has 10 branches, with the cardiac intensive ward and cardiology department emergency. Cardiovascular department has rich clinical experience in diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, arrhythmia and various kinds of common cardiovascular disease. Department have starting cardiovascular Radiation Intervention treatment, valve balloon angioplasty, radio frequency catheter ablation, percutaneous cardiac Intervention (PCI) and coronary artery stent implantation for years, and obtaining satisfied effect. Cardiovascular Surgery Department The cardiovascular surgery, founded in 1963, currently contains 2 adult wards, 1 children ward, more than 120 inpatient beds and ICUs’ inpatient beds. Department has wealthy clinical experience in all kinds of congenital heart disease, cardiac value replacements, coronary artery bypass surgery, cardiac tumor extirpation. The death rate of preoperative period have controlled less than 1%, and entered the leading ranks in domestic industry. Cardiovascular Surgery accomplished over 2800 cases of operation per years. Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine The Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine contains 6 branch departments. (Including RICU), with more than 240 inpatient beds. The department develops the diagnosis, treatments, and respiratory disease rescue of pulmonary heart disease, tumors of lung, asthma and the common respiratory system disease. And it has the rich clinical experience in the application of respiratory disease rescue and respiratory machine. As the development of the medical technology, the department has specific method in lung tumor interventional at therapy. Thoracic Surgery Department Thoracic surgery has 2 inpatient area and with 84 inpatient beds. Department have plentiful clinical experience in the diagnosis and the surgery treatment of the lung, esophageal, meditational tumor disease, especially the strength of the operation of tumor. In accent years, the thoracic surgery department operate minimally invasive surgery, and television VATS, and have edged into the domestic advanced level. Tianjin Chest Hospital Address: Taierzhuang South Road Jinnan District Tianjin,China P.C:300222 Web: www.chesthospital.com

    百度权重:2 搜狗权重:1 360权重:1 访问人数:71 人    更新时间:2023-02-04 进入官网
  • 武汉市第一医院 医院诊所

    武汉市第一医院 www.whyyy.com.cn

    武汉市第一医院(武汉市中西医结合医院) 医院始建于1927年 占地面积174亩 编制床位3000张 坐落于长江之滨,汉水河畔的武汉市第一医院(武汉市中西医结合医院)是一所集医疗、教学、科研、培训和健康管理为一体的大型综合性三级甲等医院,是国家中医药管理局授予的全国首批重点中西医结合医院,也是华中科技大学同济医学院附属武汉中西医结合医院、第四临床学院,湖北中医药大学附属武汉中西医结合医院。 医院始建于1927年,是湖北省成立最早的公立医院之一,初名“汉口市立医院”,1949年更名为“武汉市第一医院”,1985年被武汉市人民政府命名为“武汉市中西医结合医院”。 历经近百年风雨兼程,医院现有占地面积达174亩,建筑面积18.05万平方,编制床位3000张,实际开放床位2472张,年门急诊量279万人次,年住院量9.47万人次,年手术量4.8万例,资产总值28.6亿元。 学科齐全,百花争艳。医院设有临床、医技科室49个,其中各级各类重点专学科38个,包括国家临床重点专科4个(皮肤科、消化科、肾病科、临床护理),国家中医药重点学科4个(皮肤病学、脾胃病学、中西医结合临床、临床中药学)、国家中医药管理局重点专科9个、部省级重点专科27个,形成了医、药、护、技齐头并进,中、西并重的重点专学科群。医院建成皮肤科、脾胃病科2个国家区域中医(专科)诊疗中心,湖北省皮肤科医疗质量控制中心,武汉市血液透析、护理、脑卒中、医学影像、消化内科、急诊、普外、泌外、DRGs、中西医结合等11个医疗质量控制中心。 名医荟萃,春华秋实。医院现有职工3191名,其中:高级专业技术人员328名,9名博士研究生导师、88名硕士研究生导师。享受国务院津贴专家14名,省、市突出贡献中青年专家7名,省、市政府津贴专家21名,国家中医药管理局全国师承指导老师6名、师承继承人26名,省中医大师4名,省中医名师6名,省中青年知名中医5名,国家优秀中医人才、省市医学杰出人才、领军人才、优秀学科带头人等20余名。近年来,医院承担各级各类科研项目680项,主持国家自然科学基金40项,省级科研项目160项;发表核心期刊论文3000余篇,SCI论文110篇;获得科技成果160项,省、市级科技奖励60项次。 设备先进,技术精湛。医院建有湖北省首家医疗救治垂直快速通道,配备国际一体化手术间,拥有全自动生化免疫检验流水线、炫速双源CT等大型高精尖医疗设备。先后开展生殖、干细胞、基因诊断、介入治疗、微创治疗、激光治疗等六类医学前沿技术。皮肤科银屑病、痤疮、荨麻疹、白癜风等14个专病组盛誉业内,为全国“四强”;脾胃病科“脾胃特色外治”,肾病科“中环强”三联序贯疗法,均取得良好口碑。通过搭建“高位嫁接”平台,主髂动脉大血管病变腔内微创术、盆底重建手术、肝脏精准切除术及复杂性的胰腺肿瘤手术、耳鼻喉科喉癌类手术、消化内科ESD、ERCP、EUS等都已经做到独立全面展开。 传承创新,载誉前行。在近百年的岁月变迁中,代代一医人锐意进取,励精图治,风雨同舟,成就了院史上一座座丰碑;在近三十年的探索中,医院先后荣获了全国卫生系统文化建设先进单位,全国模范职工之家,全国首届敬老文明号,省、市文明单位,省、市五一劳动奖状,省、市三八红旗单位,省、市卫生计生系统先进基层党委等光荣称号。迈向新时代,医院将牢记“中西医汇一、精诚利济”的院训,遵循“中医有品牌,西医有特色,中西医结合显优势”的发展理念,在公立医院综合改革新常态下,不忘初心,砥砺前行,奋力拼搏赶超,朝着“国内领先、国际知名”中西医结合医院的目标砥砺前行。 A Brief Introduction of Wuhan No.1 Hospital (Wuhan Hospital of Traditional Chinese & Western Medicine) Embraced by the Yangtze and Han riversides, Wuhan No.1 Hospital (Wuhan Hospital of Traditional Chinese & Western Medicine) is a large-scale comprehensive Grade III Class A hospital, integrating clinical medicine, education, research, training and healthcare management. It is appointed by State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SATCM), as one of the first nationwide key hospitals of Traditional Chinese and Western medicines. Wuhan No.1 Hospital not only serves as the 4th Clinical Academy of Huazhong University of Science and Technology Tongji Medical College, but also is affiliated to Hubei University of Chinese Medicine. After nearly 100 years of development, the hospital currently covers an area of 116,000 square meters, with an 180,500 square meter construction area. Out of 3,000 authorized beds, 2,472 of them are available. There are 2.79 million outpatients and emergency treatments per year, along with 947,000 inpatients and 48,000 surgeries annually. The total assets are estimated to be 2.86 billion. As a comprehensive hospital, the hospital consists of 49 clinical, medical and technical departments, including 4 key nation-level clinical departments (Dermatology Dept., Gastroenterology Dept., Nephrology Dept. and Clinical Nursing Dept.), 4 key disciplines (Dermatology, Gastroenterology, Integrated Traditional Chinese & Western Clinical Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology of TCM), 9 key specialties sanctioned by SATCM, and 27 provincial key departments. The hospital is also companied with 2 National TCM healthcare centers (one Dermatology oriented, one Gastroenterology oriented) and 11 medical quality control centers respectively for dermatology, gastroenterology, general surgery, urinary surgery, emergency medicine, medical imaging, blood dialysis, cerebral stroke, nursing, DRGs and integrated traditional Chinese & western medicine. There are 3191 staff now in the hospital, including 328 senior technicians, 9 doctoral supervisors, 88 postgraduate supervisors, 14 experts entitled to State Council allowance, 7 young & middle-aged experts with provincial/municipal outstanding contribution awards, 21 experts entitled to provincial/municipal allowance, 6 national master-disciple program mentors authorized by SATCM with 26 heirs to it, 4 provincial TCM masters, 6 provincial prestigious TCM doctors, 5 provincial young & middle-aged prestigious TCM doctors and more than 20 talents with outstanding contributions & awards in their research, education and clinical domains. During the past few years, the hospital has undertaken over 680 scientific research projects in a wide range of types and levels. Moreover, the hospital has conducted 40 projects approved by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 160 projects approved by the province. With more than 3000 published core journal theses and 110 SCI papers, the hospital received 160 achievements in science & technology and 60 of them are awarded by the province/city. The hospital is equipped with the first vertical express way for medical treatment in Hubei, globally advanced one-stop operating rooms, fully automatic biochemical immunoassay lines, and multiple state-of-the-art medical equipment featuring SOMATOM Definition Flash CT. The hospital has launched six cutting-edge medical technologies successively in fields related to reproduction, stem cell, gene diagnosis, interventional therapy, micro-invasive therapy and laser therapy. The 14 special disease treatment groups (psoriasis, acne, urticaria and vitiligo) of Dermatology Department are praised as the “Top Four” in the country. Also the “unique external treatment” for Gastroenterological diseases and the “Zhonghuanqiang” triple sequential therapy for renal diseases have received favorable comments. By constructing “top-grafting” platforms, it becomes feasible to independently perform in-cavity micro-invasive therapy for major iliac artery diseases, pelvic reconstructive surgery, precise hepatectomy, excision of complicated pancreas tumor, ENT cancer removal and ESD, ERCP and EUS in Gastroenterology Department. Throughout almost 100 years, what remains unchanged are the spirits of “Morality, Humanity, Dedication and Innovation”. Every generation of Wuhan No.1 Hospital staff spares no effort to make a difference and shines its own light to leave a remarkable note in the ever-enriching history of the hospital. In the exploration over the past 30 years, the hospital has been honored with considerable titles, such as National Healthcare Culture Award, National Model home of Staff, the first National Senior-friendly Hospital. As for provincial and municipal achievements, the hospital has been winning the Award of Civilization, the Labor Day Medal, Woman-friendly Award and Advanced Primary Party Committee Award. Under the new public hospital reform policy, Wuhan No.1 Hospital perseveres to its motto \"For Patients\' Best\" and \"TCM feat. Western Medicine\" concept. The hospital shall remain true to its original aspiration and keep the mission firmly in mind, which is to become a domestic top-ranked and globally renowned hospital of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine.

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